2024 Donation Information!
Welcome to the 2024 Joy for Jean Fundraiser! This year we have chosen to support Reach out and Read. This wonderful organization gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read together.
Reach Out and Read is poised to reach more children because they focus on early literacy. They partner directly with pediatric medical providers. Over 90% of children in the US under age 6 visit a trusted medical provider at least once a year.
We at Joy for Jean know how important early literacy was to Jean. We also know that our supporters would rather donate books than money. So, we have given both options this year. There is an Amazon Wish List of books that are requested. They should be set up to be shipped to Jen in NC. We would also like to point out that a $30 donation provides 1 child a full year of Reach out and Read.
As always our fundraiser will run from October 6-October 25.
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/dl/invite/eem7ato?ref_=wl_share
Click the link at the bottom to donate.
Your Donation Matters.
Joy for Jean is a non profit organization providing books to schools in honor of Jean Malik.
2021: we worked with St. Michael Parish as well as Whittier Elementary both located in Wheaton Illinois to provide books for classrooms and the library.
St. Michael Parish requested 42 books last year. We were able to deliver 29 of them to the school.
Whittier Elementary requested 36 books last year. We were able to deliver 16 of those.
2022: we provided books to one school in NC and another in IL. We were able to complete both lists with over 100 books.
2023: Our 2023 Partnership with Promising Pages was a HUGE success. We raised our goal of $3000. I dropped off a check to Promising Pages in January. I received an email that the donation would go towards their “Books on Break” program which provides 1 diverse book and 4 other books to each child that attends the free book fair. This goes towards summer reading as kids who do not keep up their reading over the summer tend to fall behind.
They were able to purchase 1297 books with the money that was raised.
We will work with these schools to determine what books they are looking to add to their libraries and or classrooms. Once we have those lists we will add them to an Amazon wish list and books can be purchased directly from there. We will add a Joy for Jean sticker prior to donating to the school.
Please check back or sign up for our mailing list to get updates on these wish lists! You can also donate here and the money will be used to purchase books not selected from the lists.
Please use our school nomination form to nominate schools for future contributions
Joy for Jean is a registered 501(c)(3) company.